Hrvatska pošta


Trainer education within the GreenPosts project

Croatian Post organized and moderated a three-day learning/training/teaching education held in Zagreb

As part of the Erasmus+ project GreenPosts, a three-day learning/training/teaching education was held from January 30th to February 1st, 2023 in Zagreb, organized and moderated by Croatian Post. Twenty-one employees from the Croatian, Greek, Bulgarian and Cypriot post offices and the company Future Needs, partners in the project, were introduced to the topic of the GreenPosts project, which is coordinated by the Croatian Post, i.e. the course on the implementation of the measures of the European Green Deal in the postal sector, which the main goal is developed within the project. After the training, the participants became "green" ambassadors who will pass on what they have learned to employees and colleagues and encourage them to take action aimed at achieving the common European goal of reducing the negative impact on the environment and climate.

On the first day of the training, the participants were introduced to the content of the European Green Deal and examples of its implementation in Croatian Post. Then the members of the GreenPosts project team from Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia and Cyprus presented to the participants a module with 9 lessons, i.e. a course that they developed in the first year of the project. Nine lessons were developed in accordance with the 9 pillars of the European Green Deal. A free discussion followed, during which the participants of the education asked the authors of the lessons questions either about the content itself or about the way of creating educational materials.

A virtual room for "green" conversations
On the second day of the training, a representative of Future Needs, a Cypriot company partner in the project, presented a Virtual Think Tank, i.e. a virtual room where all those interested will be able to talk, discuss, ask questions or exchange their ideas related to the implementation of the European Green Deal. It is also part of the e-learning platform where the course consisting of one module with 9 lessons will be uploaded. As a check of the successfully completed course, a knowledge test was designed after each lesson. The Virtual Think Tank is part of the official website of the project  and access is provided to all interested parties after registration. After the presentation of the virtual room, the participants were divided into working groups with specific tasks for the analysis of UPU's best "green" practices.

On the second day, a short knowledge test was held from the 9 lessons presented the previous day. The representative of Croatian Post also presented a draft guide for teachers as a tool for project participants who will encourage the implementation of European Green Deal measures through employees in their organizations.

On the third day of the training, the participants were given a tour of the Croatian post's new sorting center, and on that occasion, a worker from the Department of Occupational Safety, Fire Protection and Ecology at the Croatian Post showed them on the spot how waste management works at the Croatian Post. The participants were shown the electric charger stations as well as how the sorting plant functions in terms of green and sustainable. In the end, the learning/training/teaching education was evaluated, that is, the participants gave feedback on the three working days spent in Zagreb.