Hrvatska pošta


Croatian Post Awarded for Measuring the Quality of Service in Domestic Postal Traffic

Croatian Post Awarded for Measuring the Quality of Service in Domestic Postal Traffic

Universal Postal Union

Universal Postal Union honoured the best projects financed through the Quality of Service Fund (QSF) in a ten-year period, between 2007 and 2017. Among the best projects is also Croatian Post’s Implementation of Independent Quality of Service Measurement in Domestic Postal Traffic Project launched in 2009. In addition to independent quality of service measurement, that project included the first study of real mail.

On 31 March, 2017 at the Bern conference the Universal Postal Union honoured the projects financed through the Quality of Service Fund in a ten-year period, between 2007 and 2017. Among the best projects is also Croatian Post’s Implementation of Independent Quality of Service Measurement in Domestic Postal Traffic Project which received recognition for successful project management and performance, after being monitored by UPU.   

  • 1 January, 2006: On the first day of 2006 a 15-day independent measurement in Croatian Post’s domestic traffic was scheduled to start and was planned to take place once a year. However, in the preliminary negotiations prior to Croatia’s accession to the European Union, it was agreed that such measurement will be replaced by a continuous one taking place throughout the year.
  • 1 April, 2006 Croatian Post started with preparations for transferring from the 15-day measurement to a continuous quality of service monitoring. Preparations included employee training and installation of RFID equipment for quality of service measurement at the busiest locations (RFID equipment was first installed in the sorting centres in Zagreb, Rijeka, Split, Osijek and Dubrovnik and its procurement was also financed through the UPU Quality of Service Fund). In that way pre-conditions were set for establishing a continuous quality measurement.  
  • Measurement was to be harmonised with the requirements of the EN 13850 standard and that way non-refundable funds were to be secured.

The grant application for the Independent Quality of Service Measurement in Domestic Postal Traffic Project was submitted to UPU in 2009 and after minor adjustments, the QSFHRV1007SPR07 Project was approved unconditionally on 18 June, 2010. In addition to an independent quality measurement, the project included an independent Real Mail Study and procurement of transponders necessary for a documented independent quality of service measurement using the RFID system installed by Croatian Post.

  • The project is a result of a successful collaboration between the Quality Management Division, International Affairs Division and UPU.
  • Due to Croatian Post’s successful presentation of the project and orderly fulfilment of obligations, the UPU Quality of Service Fund granted $230,000.00.

Owing to Croatian Post’s efficient use of the information collected using the RFID equipment and continuous work on upgrading the quality and compliance with the D+1, D+2 i D+3 legal requirements, UPU has assessed that the funds granted by the Quality of Service Fund were used efficiently and awarded Croatian Post its award for excellence in project management.   

Croatian Post was awarded for successful implementation of the independent measurement of the quality of service in domestic postal traffic.

Nagrada koju je Hrvatska pošta dobila za uspješnu provedbu projekta neovisnog mjerenja kvalitete u unutarnjem prometu.

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