Hrvatska pošta
Artificial intelligence and cognitive logistics at the service of clients
Easier crossing of borders for international shipments within Europe
Zagreb, 10 October 2019 – A forum was held end of September in Split under the auspices of PostEurop and organized by Croatian Post, bringing together Europe’s leading postal operators. The two-day forum comprised a series of lectures about the ways new technologies, AI, robotic and application solutions can improve logistics operations. Discussion included specific ways how such solutions can speed up transactions from sender to recipient, both in domestic and in international mail, at minimum costs.
Guided by the common goal of creating optimum business operations and a stable source of income from the logistics segment, within the EU programme Horizon2020, the COG-LO Project was initiated in the field of so-called cognitive logistics. There are 14 partners from various fields participating in the Project, such as postal operators, carriers, logistics and IT companies, research institutes and universities, including seven countries-participants: Croatia, Slovenia, Belgium, Greece, Italy, UK, Luxembourg and Turkey.
This Project is worth almost EUR 5 million and it is fully financed by grants from EU funds, out of which a sum of HRK 1.6 million was granted to Croatian Post for implementation of the pilot project in cooperation with Slovenian postal operator Pošta Slovenije.
Croatian Post is included in this project together with Pošta Slovenije and Jožef Stefan Institute, and the aim of their cooperation in the project is to enable international shipments to cross the border without passing through the office of exchange, which would significantly reduce delivery time between Croatia and Slovenia. Another goal is to create a central platform (Cognitive Advisor), which will receive all data based on which the system will independently dispatch packages and navigate drivers (taking into consideration the traffic situation, weather and alike), thus optimizing business processes.
By implementing the Pošta2022 Business Development Strategy, Croatian Post invests in its core business and continually works on its further development and improvement. The objective of the strategy is to enter new markets and expand operations beyond national borders, and the achievement of this objective will be facilitated by participation in the mentioned Project.
Watch a video on the COG-LO Project here

Zagreb, 10 October 2019 – A forum was held end of September in Split under the auspices of PostEurop and organized by Croatian Post, bringing together Europe’s leading postal operators. The two-day forum comprised a series of lectures about the ways new technologies, AI, robotic and application solutions can improve logistics operations. Discussion included specific ways how such solutions can speed up transactions from sender to recipient, both in domestic and in international mail, at minimum costs.
Guided by the common goal of creating optimum business operations and a stable source of income from the logistics segment, within the EU programme Horizon2020, the COG-LO Project was initiated in the field of so-called cognitive logistics. There are 14 partners from various fields participating in the Project, such as postal operators, carriers, logistics and IT companies, research institutes and universities, including seven countries-participants: Croatia, Slovenia, Belgium, Greece, Italy, UK, Luxembourg and Turkey.
This Project is worth almost EUR 5 million and it is fully financed by grants from EU funds, out of which a sum of HRK 1.6 million was granted to Croatian Post for implementation of the pilot project in cooperation with Slovenian postal operator Pošta Slovenije.
Croatian Post is included in this project together with Pošta Slovenije and Jožef Stefan Institute, and the aim of their cooperation in the project is to enable international shipments to cross the border without passing through the office of exchange, which would significantly reduce delivery time between Croatia and Slovenia. Another goal is to create a central platform (Cognitive Advisor), which will receive all data based on which the system will independently dispatch packages and navigate drivers (taking into consideration the traffic situation, weather and alike), thus optimizing business processes.
By implementing the Pošta2022 Business Development Strategy, Croatian Post invests in its core business and continually works on its further development and improvement. The objective of the strategy is to enter new markets and expand operations beyond national borders, and the achievement of this objective will be facilitated by participation in the mentioned Project.
Watch a video on the COG-LO Project here